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Will I Lose My House if I Declare Bankruptcy?

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Chapter 13 Banruptcy

declare bankruptcy, lose house, McHenry County Bankruptcy LawyerMany people mistakenly assume that bankruptcy is financial suicide. However, the truth is that bankruptcy has helped millions of Americans start their path toward a debt-free life.

There are several chapters of bankruptcy, with Chapters 7 and 13 being the most common. The eligibility criteria and consequences of filing each chapter vary, and one factor that sets them apart is the possibility of liquidating assets.

What Will Happen to My Property if I File for Bankruptcy?

According to, Chapter 7 bankruptcy involves the liquidation of assets to pay off creditors. As a result, filers may need to sell their home or other properties to pay debts.

Every case is unique, and not all Chapter 7 filers will have to sell their home. Also, there is a homestead exemption in Illinois bankruptcy cases which will allow you to preserve a portion of your home's equity. Depending on the details of your mortgage, the trustee may decide not to group your home with the liquidated assets.

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Can You Spy on Your Spouse During a Divorce?

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Divorce

spy on your spouse, McHenry County Family Law LawyerWhen you feel that your marriage is over, you may be tempted to spy on your spouse. However, spying can be legally risky and may not even benefit you in the divorce. Therefore, it is important to know what the law says about spying on your spouse.

What Are You Hoping to Prove?

The most common reason for spying on a spouse is to uncover proof of his or her cheating. However, now that Illinois is a no-fault divorce state, whether your spouse is cheating or not will not affect allocation of parental rights, visitation, child support, spousal maintenance, or the division of property.

If your spouse is spending marital assets on someone with whom he or she is cheating, you should try and uncover how much is being spent. The same is true if your spouse is spending money on drugs or gambling. These actions may be considered dissipation of marital assets—your spouse is wasting marital assets on things that do not benefit the marriage, nor have you agreed to this spending. It is possible to get some or all of these funds back in a divorce.

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When Should Retirees File Bankruptcy?

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Chapter 13 Banruptcy

retirees file bankruptcy, McHenry County Bankruptcy AttorneyRetirement is often considered a chance to sit back and relax—a long-awaited opportunity to spend time with your grandchildren, take a dream vacation, or busy yourself in the garden. However, your pension may not have gone as far as you had hoped, you were burdened with expensive medical bills, or perhaps you just fell on hard times. Sadly, this is all too common and countless U.S. seniors are grappling with overwhelming debt. Filing for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, however, may be the answer.

According to the The New York Times, bankruptcy is a chance to hit the financial reset button. It is an opportunity to rebuild your life, and to ensure you leave behind money—not debt—for your grandchildren.

Protecting Your Assets 

In tough times, seniors may be tempted to spend their retirement assets. However, retirees risk a downward financial spiral from which they are very unlikely to recover. A better strategy may be to protect those assets by filing for bankruptcy.

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Illinois Child Support Services: Why They Exist and How They Can Help

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Child Support

Illinois child support services, McHenry County Family Law AttorneyThe Illinois Child Support Service division reports that almost half a million children in the state receive public assistance. Taxpayers are responsible for the non-payment of child support, picking up the slack for parents who do not hold themselves accountable financially for the care of their children. While this statistic is sad and unfortunate, the state thankfully has an organized, efficient system in place to address the needs of children and families who struggle with such circumstances.

The Purpose of State Child Support Programs

Due to the overwhelming need of single parents raising children with no support from the other parent, child support programs are utilized to ease the burden and ensure that children are properly cared for, safe and protected. Since the Illinois program began in 1976, the department has successfully collected more than 3 billion dollars for children in need.

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What Happens During the Post-Bankruptcy Debtor Education Course

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Bankruptcy

Kane County bankruptcy attorneysBankruptcy gives you the chance at a fresh, new start, but it is up to you to ensure you make the most of that start. This means you have to do things different and ensure you protect yourself from unnecessary or excessive debt in the weeks, months, and years to follow. Bankruptcy counseling, which is required before and after bankruptcy, can help you obtain the skills and knowledge you will need to restart your credit and maintain it, long into the future.

Why Do I Need Bankruptcy Debtor Education?

The U.S. Bankruptcy Code mandates that you receive two types of bankruptcy counseling: credit counseling before you file, and debtor education after. Although they sound similar, they are actually quite different. Credit counseling examines your financial situation before bankruptcy to determine if a budget or repayment plan can help you avoid filing. Debtor education, done after you file, is designed to help you focus on building credit and healthy debt management practices. Failure to comply and complete either course could result in a denial of your bankruptcy discharge.

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Legal Separation or Divorce – Which One is Right for Your Case?

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Legal Separation

McHenry County family law attorneyEvery marriage is unique. Every couple’s beliefs, goals, and concerns are different. So, really, it only makes sense that, when suffering from irreconcilable differences, some will choose legal separation over the traditional divorce. This is not a “wrong” path. It is just different than divorce. Unfortunately, many couples are confused about those differences and are uncertain when it comes to deciding which option is most appropriate for their situation. The following information can help clarify the difference between legal separation and divorce, and may even give you some insight as to which path is right for you.

Legal Separation

Less extreme, and ultimately less permanent, a legal separation does not dissolve the marriage. It does offer certain benefits, however. For example, during a legal separation, couples can pursue a court order for child support, spousal support, and a determination of parenting time and allocation of parental responsibilities. In addition, legal separation can give couples time apart to decide whether or not they truly want to proceed with a divorce. Some find, after time apart, that their differences were merely situational. Others do eventually decide to move forward with a legal divorce. In either case, the parties are able to walk away, certain that they did everything they could to resolve the issues in their marriage.

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Repairing Your Credit After Bankruptcy

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Bankruptcy

McHenry County bankruptcy attorneyThe decision to file for bankruptcy is not an easy one, and it can drudge up fears about what happens once it is all over. Namely, consumers frequently experience concerns over how bankruptcy will affect their credit. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to answer this question since every situation and case is unique. However, there are cases in which the purported damage of bankruptcy may be negligible, or possibly even non-existent.

Putting Things into Perspective

Despite the common misconception that bankruptcy wreaks havoc on everyone’s credit, it is sometimes actually more beneficial than continuing down a path of late payments and unpaid bills. Each hit to your credit – each missed payment, charge-off, and collection – has a negative impact on your credit. If you have enough of these, and they are frequent because you simply cannot keep up with your debts after a job loss, illness, divorce, or other financial issue, then your credit score is constantly being attacked.

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Coping with Divorce during the Holiday Season

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Divorce

McHenry County divorce lawyersDivorce is a difficult process any time of the year, but the holidays can be especially challenging. Many experience loneliness and depression. Others feel more overwhelmed than usual and may be more prone to mood swings. Whatever the situation, however you are feeling, know that there are ways to cope. The following information may be able to help.

Surround Yourself with Friends and Family The holidays are a time when people are used to being surrounded by friends and family, so reach out to those that you love. If your circle has become significantly smaller, try and make some new friends. Support groups, colleagues at work, and even your neighbor are all great places to look. Some might even surprise you – that person you might have overlooked at the office who went through a divorce last year, or the single mom a few doors down that you might not have even noticed. Go to holiday parties, even if you do not feel like it. Whatever you decide to do, try to surround yourself with people and try to immerse yourself in holiday cheer. Give Back to Your Community If meeting new people seems too exhausting, maybe some charity work can help to put you in the holiday spirit and heal your soul a little. After all, there is little that can lift the spirit like feeding the homeless, volunteering at a domestic violence shelter, reading to kids in a hospital, or playing board games with someone in a nursing home. Not sure where to look? Try your local church, bulletin boards, or newspaper. If you cannot find anything there, try talking to friends or just pick up a phone and call your local shelters to ask if they could use some help. Be Gentle with Yourself and Practice Self-Care Surrounding yourself with people and giving back are all great ways to cope with divorce during the holidays, but probably the most beneficial thing you can do is to be gentle with yourself and to practice self-care. If you find yourself crying a lot, that is okay. Your grief and sadness are normal. If you do not feel like putting up your tree or lights, try purchasing just a small live one that does not take as much effort – and do not let yourself feel guilty for doing so. Keep the decorations put up if you like, soak in warm baths, make hot chocolate or tea, read a book, or buy a box of candy canes and a present for yourself. In short, do what makes you happiest this holiday season. Seek Assistance with Your Divorce If you are filing for divorce but have not obtained legal assistance, now might be the time to reconsider. Not only can a divorce attorney help to ensure you avoid unnecessary mistakes, they can handle the legal details so that you have the time and energy to grieve and care for yourself. You also have an increased chance of receiving a fair settlement in your case if you have an attorney on your side. At the Thomas Law Office, we offer compassionate and personalized services to suit your needs. Dedicated and experienced, our McHenry County family law attorney can protect your rights and will always make your best interest our top priority. Schedule your consultation to ask how we can help with your case. Call us at 847-426-7990 today. Sources:

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Residential Custody: Your Child’s Right to Choose

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Divorce

residential custody in Illinois, McHenry County child custody attorneyDetermining child custody in a divorce can be a lengthy and emotionally taxing process. In Illinois, the judge will consider many factors, including the testimonies of each parent, as well as the physical and mental health of the child and parents, when awarding custody.

However, your children will not be voiceless throughout this process. As outlined in the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, the judge may take into consideration the child’s wishes.

Children ages 14 or older may choose which parent to live with, but a judge can overrule this decision if he or she decides the child’s choice is not in their best interest. There are a few questions that judges may consider when adjudicating a case where a child has strong preferences toward a particular parent:

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Financial Stress During Illness May Negatively Impact Health

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Bankruptcy

McHenry County bankruptcy lawyerThe cost of medical treatment is one of the most common reasons that Americans file for bankruptcy. Considering the declining health of many Americans, and the lack of access to quality health care for many, this is not a surprising statistic. What is concerning is how researchers have connected poorer outcomes for those who struggle with their finances while seriously ill. If you or someone you love is up against such an issue, the following may be able to mitigate the risks.

Lack of Care Often Responsible for Poorer Health Outcomes Published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the recent study on health outcomes and financial strain examined the financial status and mortality rate of over 230,000 cancer patients. More than 4,700 of those patients filed for bankruptcy at some point in their treatment. Researchers associated this filing with a significantly higher rate of mortality - in some cases, as much as 80 percent higher. Why the link? Experts believe much of the risk is due to a lack of treatment - a problem that starts and is perpetuated by financial strain and the inability to cover treatment ad medication costs. Interestingly enough, this same issue may be experienced by those with other serious illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, or obesity. Stress of Financial Strain Also Thought to Be a Factor Stress has long been associated with poor health outcomes - even for healthy individuals. In fact, many patients with heart conditions and blood pressure issues are encouraged to reduce their stress levels. Unfortunately, financial troubles also happen to be one of the leading causes of stress. As such, patients experiencing financial struggles while trying to seek treatment for a serious illness may ultimately exasperate their condition. This is why it is critical patients understand how to mitigate the risks. Mitigating the Risks When you are up against financial strain and a life-threatening illness, you have to choose which thing you want to fight. Do you want to fight the illness, or your financial problems? If you choose the former, then let go of your worries about the latter. Pursue bankruptcy sooner, rather than later, and reduce your stress levels. Seek guided and experienced assistance to ensure you approach the process effectively, and continue your treatment to the best of your abilities. Contact Our Illinois Bankruptcy Lawyer Bankruptcy may be a complex legal procedure, but it does not have to be an unnerving situation. Let the Thomas Law Office guide you through the process. Compassionate and experienced, we will work to resolve your bankruptcy case quickly and we will fight to ensure you have a smooth transition. Schedule a consultation with our McHenry County bankruptcy lawyer to learn more. Call 847-426-7990 today. Source:

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